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Are You Using the RIGHT Software?
Hand-picked software really can make all the difference. So if you want to know how to find
the Best Software online please read on because we'll tell you how to find the best
quality software and productivity tools on the web and with
free trial downloads to boot.
All the software tools on this site have been hand-picked
to boost your productivity or to help make your computing chores much easier.
We want to Help YOU make the right choice in software!
I also want to share with you our commitment to YOU - the customer.
We leap at every chance to make you happy, so please feel free to let us know how we can
serve you better. We provide you with quality direct local pre & post sales
technical support. So if you have a burning question about our products or policies
please let us know - we'll do everything we can to
"Hardly had time to eat my lunch before reply. as I
said before, I have NEVER ever received such good service from anyone, anywhere
and in any industry which comes even close to what you provide. (quote me if you
Cheers, Eric Ackroyd.

With our hand-picked Productivity Tools, you'll get:
- More hours in your day,
- More time to do the things you love doing, and...
- Less hassles with your $@#^%$ computer!
How? Simple...
I have personally reviewed and hand-picked every tool we sell, in fact I still use most of them on a regular basis myself! So I know they do what we claim. They are guaranteed to help make your computing chores easier and less hassled. If you don't agree, simply contact me personally and I will gladly refund you 100% of your purchase price!
Whether it be boosting your reading or typing speeds, automating mundane repetitive tasks, backing up your important files, being creative with your digital camera pictures, learning to touch type I've personally ever
used or many other time consuming tasks, we have the tools to help.
You'll find all you need here to ensure you get more done, in less time, with less stress - I personally guarantee it!


Tim Jones
Managing Director |
For instance...
Who among us wouldn't like to get through
reading and replying to all our daily email and correspondence
faster? Being able to concentrate on the message you are trying to
convey, rather than the mechanics of getting it written, is very important in this hurried world we now live in. Our touch typing tutor, TypingMaster canincrease your typing speed, and AceReader can help ensure you learn to read faster than ever! So don't spend any longer reading than is absolutely necessary. The two of them combined can give you serveral hours more time each and every week of the year!
Task repetition getting you down? Do you have to repeat the same steps or processes every day/week? Macro Scheduler will let you record/write a script to automate any windows task. And with our new Pro version, you can compile these scripts into a stand-alone program to share with your friends and business associates that may have the same tiresome tasks to perform... Get on with the things that really need your talents to solve!
If you're an IT trouble-shooter, consultant or just have the luck (misfortune?) to occasionally be tasked with the job of fixing computer problems, finding a way to make programs talk to one another just weren't meant to, or simply automate something that everyone said could not be done, then... do yourself a favour and get a copy of the "The Swiss Army Knife of IT Troubleshooters".
More detail on the rest of our interesting tools can be found here, and remember... if you have a burning question about any of our products please don't hesitate to contact us - we'll do everything we can to help.
If you're up this way you really should make time to check out these local places of interest in our
area of Central Victoria, Australia - Great holiday, self-contained and B&B
accommodation, gardens and sights to see. This web site design is by our Web Design arm NiftyWebDesign.
Lastly, before I go... I'd just like to mention one of our other passions; HPV Racing or Human Powered Vehicles, typically low-slung 3 wheeled trikes with an aerodynamic fairing/canopy. These trikes are raced over periods of 24 hours travelling over 1000km at some tracks. In a straight line they are much quicker than a Tour de France sprinter, and there is always plenty of action on the track. Check out our ExPats HPV Racing Photos for more information and pictures. |